Now we have everything

By Gembop

Week 26

Feeling brave for this week's Bump pic. I was inspired by other, far braver, pregnant women in the Blip-verse.

Week 26 and Bump is growing fast. My uterus is now the size of a basketball. The various apps and newsletters have warned me about swollen joints, but I've managed to avoid that so far. Instead, Bump is keeping his head down - literally - which makes walking/bending/climbing stairs a little awkward. The Braxton Hicks have also started with Bump tightening at night. I originally thought I'd just had a big dinner and felt fit to burst!

Bump's taste buds are very developed this week (with more taste buds than he will ever have outside the womb) so I'm keeping an eye out for his reaction to food. Apparently it takes 2 hours for the flavour to pass to the amniotic fluid. He may also start hiccuping now which is a sensation I'm actually looking forward to feeling.

14 weeks to go!

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