horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Nice Hat

I like hats. more people should wear hats. And if I drop enough hints I might finally get the Panama I want for my birthday later in the year. I do like a nice trilby as well mind you. the closest I come at the moment is my beanie hat for cycling, or my Kiwi bush hat for hillwalking.

Quick question: Why does 'millinery' only refer to the making of hats for women? Are women's heads different than ours? (apart from being unassailably prettier, daintier and usually adorned with more hair of course).

Speaking of hats, I hadn't quite realised Guitar Hero was already so old hat - it would appear all the cool Christian kids are playing Guitar 'Praise'. Made by Digital Praise who, according to the box, are into 'Glorifying God Through Interactive Praise'. I do remember hearing once that since God is always watching you can worship him (her, it) at any time in your own way by being good at what you do. So why build ostentatious churches for people to do their thang?

And here's a conundrum. In sport there are many, many men and women who praise god for giving them their ability, and who, after winning, thank god for his help. Now, a few things. Firstly, why does god also let you lose then? (if the answer to that is 'free will' and 'learning from the experience' then the logical conclusion is therefore that he also doesn't help you win, ergo there is no need to thank him). Secondly, if god wasn't so busy helping you win a trinket and earning you shedloads of cash in your chosen field he might have some time to deal with world poverty, famine, and peace, you selfish git. And lastly, if two opposing sides both contain players looking for god's help, do the prayers cancel each other out, or does god have favourites?

Following the furore (that's the second time I've used that word in two days) over the 'There's probably not a god' adverts on buses one Christian spokesman chap declared that the ads breached advertising standards as there was no way of proving it so they weren't factually correct, going on to explain that the existence of god was proven by the many things Christians saw every day and the complexity of nature.

The thing is, I don't really care much for religion (can you tell?), but at the same time recognise every person's inalienable right to believe what they want (save those who think James Blunt is a 'good musician'), but when I read that sort of blind faith, or see people using religion as an excuse to restrict others in thought or deed, or further to bring actual physical hardship upon them, I find myself more and more annoyed by a world which allows this.

A world with more hats and less religion. It's not too much to ask for is it?

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