A beautiful new bird stopped by...

A great way to end the year with this new bird a Varied Thrush stopping by. According to my book they prefer the forest but as the weather gets cold, the ground get snow covered, they will go into town looking for food... A pair of Towhees, two Stellar Jays, a Scrub Jay, a nuthatch, a dozen Juncos, 2 chickadees and..  In the extra is a Scrub Jay trying to figure out what I was doing.. 

After sleeping in, it was a nice and quiet morning... reading the local paper and.. Since I got a garlic mincer / slicer for Christmas I had to try it out by making jalapeno garlic nachos.. just in time for the Seahawks game.. Yummy..

I'll be sleeping through New Year's in Seattle like I normally do but keeping a routine I find, helps my health..  Happy New Year Everyone. 

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