
There are lots of photographs I could have chosen from for today’s ‘Blip’ but this one from September 22nd has a particular significance for me.

This is the last photograph taken at home with the four of us regularly living together under one roof. The next day Samantha set off for East London University and Joshua to the Army Foundation College in Harrogate.
To use a cliche it’s been a bit of a ‘rollercoaster’ year, aside from the two children leaving home we lost the last of our parents, I’ve attended too many funerals in 2017. Clare’s worked too many shifts, (a combination of necessity through nurse shortages, and the luxury of extra money), Often stressed at work I need to remind myself that it’s a retail store, it’s not life & death and no one cares!
Samantha has struggled to budget but got better as the term went on, Joshua struggled with homesickness but soon slipped into routine as the Army piled the pressure on.
Sarah, Manolo, Luis & Anais moved from Barcelona to Torpoint, I’ve been up three or four times since July and need to go at least once a month.
Barry, Janette, Chloe & Freya, Don’t live a million miles away, four hours by car, I need to make more of an effort otherwise Chloe & Freya will grow up without knowing who I am!

Overall it’s been a very good year, 2018 promises so much, retirement, family wedding(s), Passing Out Parade, an 18th Birthday, a 21st Birthday - I fully intend to make the most of the year and accompanied by Clare work through both the ‘Bucket List’ and DIY List.

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