New Year Conundrum
There's always a hard choice to make on Jan 1st. To open or not to open.
It seems a shame not to celebrate the start of a fresh new year. But with all it's innocence spread ahead of you for 365 glorious hopeful days it also seems a crime not to start in a more healthy positive way.
This bottle was chilled ready for last night, but we didn't party on into the small hours. We never do so I am not sure why we bothered to chill it. The fireworks woke us up. When did fireworks become a thing?
Don't get me wrong. We drank a stonking bottle of red and ate our weight in cheese with a film and some candles lit.
So there it sits. Chilled champers. He goes back to work tomorrow. I think I'll just wait quietly and see whether he opens it or not.
Sobriety is not my resolution. Blipping is. I intend to start as I mean to go on.
I am back. Happy New Year!
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