Hello 2018
A fairly dull day, with the odd shower, but fairly calm.
It was a late night, so I slept the morning away. I've had a very lazy day by the fire, watching movies on the telly. Walkies with Sammy, and then off to friends to watch the darts final later.
There was a few visitors before the bells last night, and a few for the bells. About 12.30, and the house filled. Thankfully not all the visitors arrived at the same time, but must have been about 50-80 people in and out of the house. With the drinks flowing, and festive spirit high, everyone had a great night, with some music playing too. The party continued to the back of 7am! Victor Laurenson in red on right, was our first foot of the year. Happy New Year! Taken at home, Houl Road, Scalloway.
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