New Year - Old Candle

The photograph shows a candle I have had for several years. It has this little village scene set into it, and so it seems to be far to nice to actually use as a candle. This is not quite a mono image, but almost, and I did a bit of split toning to alter the colour of the highlights slightly, giving them a pinkish tinge. The bubbles are in the candle making it look as if the hamlet is submerged, the wick provides the smoke form the chimney.

It is a cold start to the year though bright and sunny. Before a late lunch, or early dinner, we had a walk at Hazlehead Park and stopped at the Village Hotel in Kingswells on the way back for a coffee. Hardly anything open today, so a hotel seemed about the only option. The hotel was very busy, partly because they had had a party night and people stay over, and partly because there is nothing else open.

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