Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

The mother of invention

I can’t afford the professionals so I am learning DIY skills late in life. Step 1 is get organised. My garage is slowly evolving (at least in part) into a passable workshop where I can do most things accurately and quickly. I spent about two hours this afternoon turning an old palette into a tool rack. Very satisfying being able to find stuff at last.

Like much of the country we had a lazy start today. Ate leftovers, played balderdash, drank a lot of tea and coffee; left the young ones watching a horror movie. Not really my genre.

Very thoughtful about the future. I’ll be sixty this year. More than ever balance is the thing that has my attention, along with quality, compassion, love, friendship, and reconciliation. TSM bought me a rather wonderful daily workbook for Christmas to help me on the journey. It’s about practice.

Necessity may be the mother of invention but ageing is most definitely the harbinger of reflection ...

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