
When I say that it was raining quite hard when I took this photograph you'll have to believe me. When I also say that I took this photograph on the way to The Co-op to collect my new tights you'll also have to believe me.

Bib tights, fleece-lined, for cycling, could have done with them last week to be honest. And the new glasses to replace the ones that got run over. Why, I might have to, like, erm, go out somewhere in the morning just to test this stuff out and put it through its paces.

Was out this morning for the first cinema trip of the year - Molly's Game. That Sorkin fella really likes the sound of his own words doesn't he? Blimey, 140 minutes that could have, should have only been around 100 I reckon. My companion was harsher, giving a succinct one-word summation and it weren't complimentary.


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