Seeing is believing

By hoover

Sh*t happens, but please be neat and wipe the seat

(and flush too!!)

For the last 6+ years I have avoided using the office toilet at all costs.
It's nothing to do with the fact it's unisex or tiny. It's the fact that not everyone considers avoiding pissing all over the floor, not leaving sh*t on the seat, and washing their hands, to be standard practice.

I just hope no one is eating right now!

Luckily I go home at lunch time to walk my dog, so I can usually sit cross legged long enough to avoid the horrors which lurk in that toilet.

My new colleague has been with us for three weeks. The phantom shi**er waited until today to strike.

I had warned the new colleague about the 'toilet problem', but until now things had been ok. She went into the toilet this afternoon and immediately came running back out screaming. Even the phantom shitter (yes, after years of detective work I know their identity) had a a fright at new girl's screeches.

New girl quickly whipped up this poster. I (naturally) egged her on.

Any guesses who didn't find this amusing and stopped new girl from displaying the poster as it might cause offence? Answers on some loo roll, but remember to flush.

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