An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Stormy Sunshine


Apologies for the shocking lack of focus in this shot but it was taken from the car and although I had better focussed shots, this one was the only one to accurately depict the colour and light as I saw it.

Another productive day going through the contents of our old loft and getting rid of another 8 or so bin bags of stuff. 2 to the rubbish bin and the rest for re-cycling. Even managed to give a pile of pre-5 toys to Ele for one of her work colleagues who recently had a baby so felt very pleased about that.

Ele and Kenny ended up at ours for tea and an evening of Strictly and X-Factor. Strictly I love but I loathe X-Factor and only watch it under duress. The Bombay Sapphire helped :-))

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