'You look young mum'

That is how Mollie greeted me when i picked her and her bike up tonight at Morrisons. So that was nice! She went on to say 'very 80s'. I suppose i was young in the 80s and my dress style hasn't changed in all that time. Just a bit bigger!

Ive had a horrible headache since yesterday about midday. It must be that time again, so i guess i'll have it for a week or so. I had to go to bed last night at a bit before 9. I didnt go to sleep though, and read my book, finishing it at last at about 9.40. It took me a while to get to sleep and the head has been no better today. I think it wasn't helped by my trip to the pharmacist on my way back from work. Apparently there seems to be a shortage of the HRT tablets i need, and luckily for me they actually had one single packet (my script was for 3). But i still had to pay the full prescription charge which equals a double prescription so £17.20 for that 1!!!. With no guarantee that i can get the other 2 months worth and no money back. So my inability to buy them in November due to cost/xmas looming/no urgent need until January has left me in a right mess. I should have got them back then, but as usual made the wrong decision. Result more stress, and if they dont get them in stock (noone has any) then i'll need another prescription at the end of Jan for something else. Its going to be expensive this menopause business, trying not to have a headache all the time :(. But i had no choice and paid the money. Positive thinking is that they might get more in before I run out. As I have said most January's this decade, my luck has to change sometime.

I have some good news. I won a little bit on the premium bonds this month. Enough to cover 6 months HRT!!!

It's going to be another early night and an evening achieving nothing.

Gotta get that positive feeling back, it's only the 3rd....

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