It's a Geeks Life

By geekmeek

Looking for love...

The subject for this weeks photography project we do is Love. So this afternoon we headed to the Woodland Gardens which is an enclosed spot within Bushy Park and has a small cafe. The hope was for mum's and babies, smooching couples and Gavin wanted Ice Cream, he thinks I don't know.

Mission occomplished for me within 5 minutes of arrival...My inner street photographer sorted that.

So off we went for a stroll in the wider park...on our way back we saw some stupid family petting one of the female deer who was part of a larger group with a Stag in tow. We were at a distance so we moved closer, we just couldn't beleive it. A crowd started to gather and then a family whooshed past way too close on their cycles.

It all kicked off, the stag started running about and before I knew it he was headed straitght for me. I drew back and I have to say I wasn't the closest by any means, I think I (or my camera) just caught his eye.

This commotion drew 3 more stags accross the road and suddenly there were big deer drunk on their hormones in all directions! That's it we were off and blow me if one of the smaller ones chasing two females was coming behind us and between us and the entrance to the gardens. To be honest, his mind was on one thing and that was not us, thank goodness!

I am not sure what happened to all the other people that were in real close proximity, most of the deer ran their way and we went the other....

We had to have an ice cream to soothe the nerves. :-)

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