And so to Florence

I touched down in Florence at 8.45am after a 19 hour journey from Oxford. Frankly, I could have driven it faster with a co-pilot. But hey ho that's weather for you.

It was absolutely pissing it down in Paris and cleared briefly over the high Apennines before a descent into murk on the Tuscany side of the divide. The Boss had braved the traffic to meet me and we were soon home.

That's me up to date and sorry for the delay.

It was a full on time and we came back with all sorts of essential supplies for the next stage of our adventure - hoover bags, boots, clothes, a carabiner, compass, headtorch, first aid stuff, tea, whisky, a panel saw, new kitchen knife and sharpener, those Stockbridge charity shop books and a few DVDs for winter nights.

It was lovely to be over, to have some time off from being newly minted residents of Strada in Casentino, to spend time with The Boss' Dad and my Mum and sister (and briefly bro R and family and Bo'ness John).

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