Eleanor's back
She wasn't quite as forceful as yesterday but we certainly felt her cold fingers whipping round our faces as we took a brisk walk round the block.
Fitbit didn't need to remind me that I didn't sleep at all well last night, I knew it from first hand experience, and have lacked lustre all day, but did manage to erase all evidence of Christmas, I have yet to brave the loft ladder to banish the contents up there for another year though. I put together a hearty beef stew in the slow cooker and made a plum and apple crumble, wrote thank you letters and generally faffed around. Took the old banger (my car) down to the garage for its MOT and service tomorrow - fingers crossed for the MOT, although the old girl has never let me down in the past 17, yes 17 years.
Tomorrow I go for my 3 monthly VitB12 jab which should perk me up.
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