A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal


I have this signed copy of Tony Walsh’s poems, which I have consumed over a restful hour this evening. Sad, funny, heartwarming, joyful, rude, uncomfortable and so many other emotions and responses. It’s wonderful.

Weirdly productive currently. It’s unnerving.

Have resisted the urge for sarcasm in response to very rude young person. Also managed to remember to deploy a more elegant comment than ‘I don’t care whether you like me or not’ when speaking with a different student - ‘Your opinion of me is not my concern’. Stole their thunder a tad.

Three consecutive evenings of exercise - gym, gym and yoga, Pilates. Rest night tomorrow. Back to weigh in on Saturday and back on it with sensible eating. Not had any booze since New Years Eve. Not sure if that is why I have been having more hot flushes! Ha.

Mentally rehearsing what my conversation with GP is going to include next week. Will make notes at the weekend.

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