Time to dig out...

Dear Diary,

That was some storm, not in the total snowfall which was around a foot, but in the wild winds that literally shook the house at times.  Miracle of miracles, the power stayed on and so did the internet.  Go figure.

The first thing I did when I got up was to shovel off the bird's feeding area which was buried and the little juncos were there in a matter of minutes.  A nice fresh cake of suet went out too.  They will need the fat once the temperatures start to drop again.  Sub-zero highs are expected for this weekend before the temperatures start to moderate.

Matt will be by later this morning to dig me out.  The roofs will have to be shoveled off too.  The road crews have done a stellar job clearing things so I will have no trouble getting to town this afternoon.  Life goes on...

I've added an extra of Mr Cardinal at the height of the storm...

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