Flower painting...
...in abstract.
For BikerBear’s flower challenge
Cat Popeye (fast asleep) cleverly stretched on my lap and two paws landed on my keyboard...an afternoon’s work wiped out and I couldn’t retrieve it...
Popeye is now in the kitchen, and yes, I gave him some nice food and treats.
This external keyboard is super sensitive, and I wiped out a written passage myself early this morning...two ways of getting something back, but neither worked.
Or else it is iPages that is faulty. I don’t have this problem in another note taker app, but I needed the iPages for the different formats and stuff I needed in it. Doing this document in another app and it didn’t tranfer quite right. Sigh...
So not much time for my daily painting today....this is my best effort...a flower abstract painting for BikerBear’s flower challenge.
Post this, make a cuppa, and start typing again. I think I will email it to myself every few minutes...
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