Back to work...
Well it's not exactly work but if I call it that I tend to get less interference from MrsDB, my wannabe helper. Holidays now well over I thought I'd pick up the tails of the West Coast Motors book I've been compiling for about 3 years now. Late last year I was offered a new supply of material (at a price) and today I've been researching the vehicles in some of the photographs on offer. I may have to buy them all!
In the last four decades or so, West Coast Motors has grown from a Campbeltown based independent operator with a handful of vehicles to a major player in the bus world with services and divisions across the northern part of the UK. You're as likely to see one of their coaches in Fort William and Oban as in Berwick upon Tweed and Carlisle. And they are still an independent family owned operator, no Stagecoach, Arriva, First or Go-Ahead connections. Long may it stay that way. It's a great story to tell.
They've become so large and widespread, even in the time since I started the writing that I may have to think about splitting the story into east and west sections so I've been looking at that too. It's become a complicated mountain of research with vehicles being exchanged across depots from Ardrishaig to St. Boswells and cherished registrations (WCM and FNE) exchanged between the 200+ vehicles operating across five different divisions. I hope I live long enough to finish it!
Pioneers lead lonely lives...
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