On the twelfth day of Christmas...

My true love gave to me,
Twelve dwarfs heigh ho-ing,
Eleven Hellebores blooming,
Ten angels rejoicing,
Nine stars a-twinkling,
Eight sparklers a-sparkling,
Seven drinks a-waiting,
Six new books for reading,
Five gol-den rings,
Four degrees below freezing,
Three tumbling Santas,
Two Mummers Players,
And a fluffy cat sitting by a Christmas tree!

(Blip courtesy of Hanham Players, though you may have noticed I’ve corrupted their poster to fit my song!)

A big drop in temperature today, it looks like we’ve replaced our windy weather with a cold snap. Walking to my local high street this morning it even began to sleet. Picked up some bargains in the sales which have been squirrelled away ready for next Christmas (I know, don’t say anything!).

Walking home (apart from one lunch, my first venture outdoors in over two weeks), I passed twelve beer barrels a-rolling, and twelve sacks of coal a-delivering (?!), but as I’m heading to the panto very shortly, for the final line of my song it just had to be twelve dwarves heigh ho-ing!

So please be upstanding and join me in one final rousing rendition of my version of The Twelve Days of Christmas! Those of you standing at the back, sing up!!

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