Its the Way It Is

By Jeano

Dun Laoghaire Pier

was where I walked this evening with my grand-daughter. She goes back home tomorrow and I won’t see her for 5 weeks or so. I will miss her.

The sun was setting and there were many people out strolling and taking photos. Very pleasant it was. This is the bandstand which is lit up over the season.

I was off work today and played 3 sets at 10 with Margaret, Anne and Helen. Despite my festive pudginess, I played quite well.

I also planted 2 dozen tulip bulbs (good to be back out in the garden) and now after some food, I am watching Black Beauty with my gd. But I am dreading the part where Ginger dies, as I know I will start crying.

If anyone has TG4 and is interested in Irish Maritime history (don’t all shout at once now), there is a very good programme on at 8pm telling the life of John Philip Holland who designed the first submarine.

Extra shows the soon to be 9 year old at end of pier

Wishing you all a chillin’ Friday evening

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