Project 1000 - update - it's only 5th January

Soooooo........................ on the 1st January 2018 we told you how Ann's latest project she always likes to have a project on the go was to: cycle 1000 miles, walk 1000 km, swim 1000 lengths in 10 weeks?!

Obviously a challenge isn't a challenge unless it's a challenge. Lol! Unfortunately Friday nights should be for drinking wine Ann isn't the best at maths hadn't really appreciated the time, effort and general logistics of how difficult this project would be.........................

…...........OK, swimming 1000 lengths in 10 weeks shouldn't be a problem - that's just 50 lengths a week, twice a week for 10 weeks though she hasn't even started that part of the project yet?

She didn't think the cycling part would be a problem. How hard can it be to sit on an exercise bike and cycle ones way through Jeremy Kyle, Coronation Street & Eastenders? ….......It's actually very hard and 1000 miles in 10 weeks equates to more than 14 miles a day???

…............Ditto the walking................. More than 14 km a day is a long way to walk. She thought she could just increase my walks.................. I don't actually want my walks increased. In fact this morning it was dark and damp and I was walking slower than a snail. Obviously Ann doesn't want to exhaust me if I don't feel like walking so I only went out for about half an hour. This afternoon it was still dark and damp actually it was raining quite hard but I trekked about for more than an hour............

…...............And then when I got home I got wrapped up in a towel and Ann told me I was the bestest little collie in the world. Yay! And I got a proper human sausage in my dinner tonight. Yum!

Project 1000 – Will Ann complete it? Guess you're all just going to have to watch this space. Lol!!!

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