The moment our dogs realized there's live bunnies in the Christmas crib down by the mall!
I'm still down with the cold. Last night I wasn't able to sleep due to all the aches in my cheeks (when the snot builds up it really hurts me). Then I took a painkiller and it made me croak. For real. I think it was heartburn from the pill that came up and made a sound while coming up. It lasted for hours. So there really wasn't a way to win that situation. So first I took a pill to get the mild fever down. And I took a pill to stop the snot from falling. I croak for few hours. Then the croaking fades, but the cheeks start to hurt so much that I couldn't sleep. I get up and take another pill for the pain. I continue to croak for few hours. After 5:30 I got some naps. I hope I get some z's tonight.
Buddha had his check up this morning. He seemed okay and the vet thought that we'll now try without the meds. During the afternoon I realized that it's a long weekend as the 3 kings arrive and finally bring the Christmas gifts for the kids. So went back and asked for meds over the weekend just in case. Otherwise it would be a really long weekend with a sick dog. The vet gave us another 7 days so we come into the same problem next Friday, so I thought I'll give him halves the last 4 days to last over the weekend next week. As he'd assumable would start to develop symptoms during Saturday evening / Sunday morning.
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