Feves des Rois

Seems an apt  day to blip my new little figures! New to me but as you can see they are quite old! I may even try baking a Rosca de reyes - but I'm not going to risk putting one of the kings in it! 
I managed to achieve my Fitbit targets again as I was on the allotment at the begining and end of the day! Gave the coop a good clean and stuffed the trays with shavings and the nesting area with hay as we are due a cold spell! Today I found myself weeding round a rose - damn couch grass making a web of roots underground. Took so long to do a realtively small area! The earth is well sodden so it was quite an easy job pulling them out once unearthed but very messy! 
Spoke to my sister and discovered she's had an allergic reaction to something she had eaten - itchy eyes, swollen lips, rash. I think it may have been the almonds she had used in a lamb curry - apparently they were the last few in a jar so who knows how old they were. I'm sure I've heard almonds can go off with age?
I watched all 3 of the programmes The sweetmakers as I knitted in the evening. Appalling to learn the details of how Englands prosperity was based on sugar and therefore the  slave trade.Coming from Bristol I knew how the slave trade  had built the city, and knew the term The Triangular Trade,   and how the  roads and buildings  were named relating to it - but I had never realised or over time had forgotten how we took africans to work on our sugar plantations - ignorant of me. Apart from this it was fascinating to see how sugar was made into sweets through the Tudor and  Georgian eras.  So ornate and time and labour intensive until it came affordable for the masses in the 1920's. 

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