Diver Driver

By diverdriver

On the walk this evening.........

...........collected 5 various items of litter through the village, including this discarded coffee cup.
I have no problem with Maccy D's - in fact I have been known to use them myself on occasion. But what I do object to is the toe-rags who dump their rubbish anywhere but in the  bins provided.
I challenged a 'lady' once, and I use the word very guardedly, when she wound the window down in her 4x4 whilst in the drive-thru queue in said fast food outlet, with her children in the back, and threw an old bag of food wrappers onto the roadway. When I pointed out the fact that there were indeed ample bins around, I was told to 'F' off!
Great example for her kids I must say.
If I sound like and old fart, I make no apologies whatsoever. What hope is there if this is what we teach our offspring.
Rant over and a nice walk with the dog in spite of all else.

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