Two tinkers standing by a wall

One named munchie
One names wom

Munchie woke for the day at 5am
I tried everything but nothing worked
Wom woke around 5:50

Daddy still far from right so I left him in bed

Took munchie swimming. She did well in her new group - wom watched really well, we then took munchie to ballet / tap and left her there while wom and i went and did rugby tots. Once that was over we headed back to ballet where munchie was doing tap - she loved it. Home via the bakers for fuel.


Meltdowns galore

Into the car and drove to Bromyard to see if people would sleep - wom did, Munchie didn’t. Went to the car wash as I was fed up of Ethel being filthy, also filled her screen wash up (the excitement)

Quiet rest of afternoon
Lots of role play
I have a massive pile of work looming over me

Deep joy

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