My happy little life

By khoola


(Do you see what I did there?!)

As usual, I'm a little late to the party for the whole new year / looking back / looking forwards thing, but I'm a little late for most things, so no surprise there.

Whilst I don't go in for "New Year - New Me!" nonsense, the beginning of the year seems like a natural time to indulge in a little reflection. Feels a little like stating the obvious to say that a lot's happened, as surely a lot must happen to most people over the course of 365 days? (If not, you're doing it wrong). And there are always highs and lows - that's just life.

Nonetheless, the last 12 months has been a smidge chaotic, even by my standards. In no particular order, I've graduated a degree and commenced a masters, lost a job and gained a few more, lost some old friends and gained some new ones, fell apart and put myself back together again, sold my marital home and moved in with a man I love.

More than ever this new year feels like a new chapter, a fresh start, and the foundation for some very exciting things to come. And clichéd or not, surely that is a reason to celebrate the start of a new calendar year

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