Where it leads

The Hubby left early Saturday morning to go crabbing with a friend, so I took advantage and read in bed for awhile.  When I finally got up, though, I was disappointed that the morning was nearly over.  I had a list of things I wanted Sugar and I to accomplish around the house before we were allowed to watch one of our shows, so we got hoppin'.  Well...after Sugar made herself some stuffed french toast for breakfast, we did.

By the time we were done with our chores, it was time for a late lunch.  Then we watched a few episodes of Once Upon a Time, and it made us squeal....and giggle....and ooooo and ahhhhhh.  Gosh we love that show.  

The Hubby arrived home with crab to cook and crack.  He set to doing that, while I went outside with the Jeep, my camera and tripod.  It was the perfect night to grab the shot I'd been hoping to get for Week One of my 52 week Challenge.  See below:

Week 1 Vison: Look Ahead~ I thought a lot about what I wanted for this image. It has been foggy for months, and this is the view my daughter and I see each night as we travel home. The headlights in the fog lead our way to where we long to be....HOME. We are apart all day, and always look forward to being back together. 
Additionally, one of my main goals for this year in photography is to learn more about night photography. 
Info: 5d Mark IV, 40mm, f5.6, ISO320, and 6 sec exposure.

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