Between a rock and another rock

I had to go and have a sit on a rock and look at other people moving around today. I felt too rubbish to move around myself.
We didn't really have time to go the beach but I knew it would do me, Richard, Tess and the dog good. (Would have been good for the teens too but they weren't interested)

I'd known since yesterday morning that a headache was coming - and come it did. It built and built all day yesterday and by 3am this morning I was pacing the kitchen, drinking water and taking painkillers. I felt too ill to even drink a cup of tea this morning, and although I could see it was a lovely morning I had to stay in bed and try to sleep (not easy when your head is pounding). I finally managed to down more painkillers and get up about lunchtime - by which time my plan to get loads of washing done and hung outside was fading fast.

It's been such a frustrating 6 weeks. I can't believe yet another thing has buggered up yet another precious day.
We're having new carpets fitted on Tuesday and Wednesday and I've been shuffling from one room to the next in despair looking at everything I want to do. I start a job and have to go and lie down. Richard's managed to get quite a bit of painting done, but we're running out of time.

I have so much to do I could scream. If I had the energy I probably would. I quite fancy smashing something right now.
My plan to lose weight has been scuppered too. How on earth am I supposed to exercise if I keep feeling like crap?
My head's still nagging now, my brain is mush and I feel really irritable. I can't make decisions, I can't think straight and I can't answer questions. I've got unanswered emails that I really must reply to but everything I do is taking ages, and I'm forgetting where I'm going halfway through something because I simply can't concentrate.


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