Journey Through Time

By Sue

Lovely Pink Roses

My usual detour today to the Orchards Rose Garden on my way to the library at the mall. I figured I better get there one more time before the weather has it's way with the last of the roses. Tonight will be windy and rainy and I'm sure the roses will be quite a bit more bedraggled than some already are. I did manage to find some roses that were still quite lovely. If you are interested, my Flickr page is now a virtual rose garden. Oh, a few fall trees are there also. I fear that our fall colors won't be as vibrant as they were last fall. I so want to repeat our trip to Lake Sacajawea in Longview, WA where the trees put on a fantastic show last year.

My aunt and I watched The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel last night. Bill opted out, but I think he would have enjoyed the movie had he decided to watch it. Just a wonderful cast and a perfectly done story line. If you are of a certain age, I can't imagine why you wouldn't enjoy it.

And my aunt is so unintentionally funny sometimes. She did something yesterday that absolutely destroyed me and I was laughing so hard I could barely drive into the parking lot. I would tell you, but it just is one of those, "you had to be there at the time" kind of thing, and I'm sure the hilarity of the moment just can't be re-told. But, this was the same kind of reaction I had when, years ago, we were going to go to lunch and we were driving into the parking lot of Fuddrucker's, a place in Portland at the time. She wasn't familiar with it and wondered what kind of food they had. At that moment she saw in the window a large sign that said, "Senior Platter" indicating something for the senior citizens, I presume. But she said, "Oh, look, they have Mexican food!". You know, I submitted that to Reader's Digest and I never heard from them and I thought that was much funnier than some of the things they print in their joke section. When she said that, I could barely talk I was laughing so hard. Then when I finally caught my breath to tell her, "no, honey, that's SENIOR not SEÑOR.", whereupon she collapsed with laughter. And aren't you proud of me for finding that Spanish N!!

Okay, enough of this. Must go ponder the dinner situation. Again.

Hope your day is filled with laughter.

Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.
Victor Hugo

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