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All I can say about today is that I finished the MOOC.  I don't think I'll ever do a MOOC during the winter break again.  The idea was to do it before work began again in January and so that objective has been reached, but it was quite a challenge, especially as it was work-related and not just for fun.  Decisions and learning curves all over the place here.

Hubby has been getting to know his new doctor and the clinic in general.  Don't know how it is in other places but here, when you move, you're advised to use the services of a clinic closer to home so that you're more quickly accessible in case you need it.  Since hubby needs medical services more than I do at the moment, this rule suits him well.  That said, while I'm glad I'm okay right now, I think I'd better get acquainted with it, too.  I'll be requesting a refill of Ibuprofen soon, for stock.

Did you guess it was a rainy day again today?  A good excuse to shoot one of my old fantasy maps.  I've read them some 25 times and we have both the cinema and extended versions ... a world that's within reach, if I should need it.

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