MeriRand & the NW Passage

By randra

Um Grande Amor

My friends Curtis and Fran are having a baby!! Their baby shower was today, and since Fran is Brazilian, she had to guess what the presents were. If she guessed incorrectly, we got to draw on her belly. I gave her a heart and some beijos. This is Mika writing something in Japanese.

Allie and I had a lazy morning chatting and being chewed on by the cat. We went out for some breakfast (though not at Pamelas... too full) and a tour of campus. I dropped my seester off at the airport and headed straight over to the baby shower, which was a nice distraction from missing her. When I got home, the weather was so pleasant, I decided to hang up some laundry and take the kitten out for his first bike ride. He was a little scared I think, as his recovery time post-trip was slow, but he must have found great security in his new soft-sided carrier, because he spent a large portion of the evening in there. I re-started leash training too, since he's finally taken to dashing out the door.

Had a friend over for dinner, not-ouzo, cookie-frosting, and computer-fixing, and now I am reading a very beautiful poem, sent to me by a very great love. I must be so very lucky to have had a day like this.

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