Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008


These hyacinths were a Christmas present in 2016.  When they'd finished flowering I put them in the shed.  A short time before Christmas this year I realised they were growing, despite lack of moisture, so out they came again and are flowering on my kitchen windowsill.  Two hits for the price of one.

The only other thing of note that happened today (well really it happened last night) was that my SD card suddenly wouldn't read in the camera, so this morning I had to go to the LCE to find out what was wrong.  It seems a minute chip of plastic had sheered off and wouldn't come out of the slot.  And, bless them, two of the guys who work there decided I shouldn't be put to the expense and inconvenience of being without the camera for 3 weeks if it got sent for repair and instead spent an hour prising out the chip while I shopped at Sainsburys.  Phew!

I haven't turned off my comments, but should say I'm not feeling particularly well tonight, so although hearts and stars will be scattered as usual, my commenting may be fairly minimal.  So please feel free to do the same.

Enjoy your evening  xx

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