
By BearRabbitFrog

the magic

"Keep Portland Weird" proclaims the wall of Dante's Inferno across the street from VooDoo Donuts where "good things come in pink boxes" and "the magic is in the hole." A line of donut diners holds down the sidewalk 24/7 just got get a taste. No one walks away disappointed. In line with us were a couple from Germany, a quartet of suburban ladies in Lululemon, a woman who proclaimed, "Right about 39 I knew that I just didn't want to have children. I've been pretty happy since.", a young couple debating the merits of purchasing a miniature coffin, as well as an assortment of the rest of us all eager to pick out delights and savor them shortly.

An impromptu mom and son adventure that could only be had in Portland surprised us both today, I think. Powell's City of Books, VooDoo, and lounging at the Salmon Street fountain. Afternoons like these are rare in our zooming from school to practice to whatever else schedules. Sure, we hit the touristy spots, the places everyone knows to go, but we know to go there because they deliver so much goodness. And, we know full well that there are multitudes of expeditions yet to be enjoyed, but sometimes, you have to pay homage to the classics.

We picked out our books. We selected our sugar-packed savories. We lounged along the riverfront. We laughed. Maybe some day in the future my tween will look back and realize the magic of such an afternoon. In the meantime, I'm glad to do it for him.

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