
By Jaxter46

Naff off we want to get our heads down

Another busy day and thank god its the last one, going to take it easy over the next couple of days and be fit and well for Monday.

For what I've seen of the day it's been cold and sunny but again almost dark by the time I got home

A quick shot and the only one of the day over at the Battery Pond before going to College, not the best but I quite like it. The birds were all just settling down for the night and there was the distinctive call of the Blackbird who sounded a bit worried as I passed by.

I seem to have found myself a little cat, a gorgeous pure black girlie. She is only about 5 or 6 months old. I've noticed her about for about 4 weeks or so now around where I live and I've gradually been making friends with her. I've asked about and no one seems to know who she belongs too, there is no way she could come and live here as our lot wouldn't have it. This morning when I went to refill the bird table out she came either from our shed or from next doors, and the softie that I am gave her a bit bowl of food and milk which she scoffed as if there were no tomorrow. She is really quite affectionate and purr's like mad, I can even pick her up now but she will nip. I think she's having kittens too. I'll keep an eye out tomorrow and see if I can find where she's hiding out.

Too late to comment tonight, so will catch up tommorrow

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