A Flying Visitor

 Sure is a muggy day.. no sun, just clouds and humidity. One report said it was 27c but it does feel hotter. Other reports saying 25c.

We have had our third electrical thing to give out now in the past two weeks.. first the kettle on Christmas eve, the vacuum cleaner and now the washing machine today. The washing machine has been making noises for a while and I told John it could go at any time. It is still washing but will not spin. So really wet washing went out on the line today, which is having troubled drying because there is no wind or sunshine. Hopefully no more brake downs!

The atmosphere sure feeling so heavy at the moment ... a very strange feeling. They say rain is on the way. Hopefully some does arrive soon as it is so dry.

 I don't think this is a bee .. someone may be able to enlighten me. There were a lot of them on this daisy today.

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