Me and My Grandad
2years 360days
Katie this morning with a picture I spotted she had drawn on Saturday before we went away. I asked her who she'd drawn. She said her Grandad. Complete with eyes, nose, mouth, one ear, hair. And eyebrows. She's drawing lots of faces at the moment. She often adds very specific features like this. Cheeks often. Philtrums are quite a familiar feature to her faces. She rarely adds arms or legs yet. But she always wants to add her name to the picture and is pretty much there at doing all the letters by herself, which she is rather proud of. In that way of toddlers, she almost refuses to do it at nursery. She slipped up the other day though and started - she'd done the K and a before realising her keyworker was watching, then refused to finish. It was sufficient though to allow them to consider that I wasnt some kind of deluded mother!
About three seconds after I had taken the photo, she rubbed this drawing away.
Katie dancing yesterday
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