It seemed like a while since the last cute bunny shot.
To get the medical stuff out of the way: last night was a wretched torment of feverish delusions, podcasts, and an ultimately successful sobbing search for paracetamol. Somehow, this morning I felt about 10% human - enough to hit the phones and find a doctor who would see us (they all seem to be busy with some kind of flu epidemic...)
Finally found a surgery where, in return for a two and a half hour wait and 50 euros, a doctor repeatedly misdiagnosed us (TallGirl had to speak to him very firmly) and he managed to misspell our surname (same surname, but misspelt a different way for each of us), both our first names and got our dates of birth wrong (such that I am now 29 and TallGirl 15, which surely makes the mother-daughter thing tenuous?) TallGirl, whose temperature was nearly 40 degrees even after paracetamol, is heartbroken to have been told she can't go back to school until Monday.
So, that's the end of my medical whinging for now. I am back to being Ms Positive Thinking and I WILL be better for CarbBoy's birthday tomorrow. Now I have to go and blow up some balloons... best get my inhaler handy...
Just after I took this shot of Piper, Joey bit her on the bottom and ran away and hid. Piper looked around for ages to see who'd done it before giving me a very hard stare.
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