Mandy's photo journal

By MandyO

25th April bridge, Lisbon

This magnificent suspension bridge spans the Tagus river in Lisbon, and is just next to the conference centre. It dominates the skyline and as you get nearer to it. the noise from the cars and lorries crossing between Lisbon and Almada is quite intense.
You can't get an idea of it's size from the photo, but you can see it in all it's glory on You Tube.
The bridge is one of the world's longest suspension bridges at 1.5 miles (2.2 kilometers) long. It was built in 1966, and it's resemblance to San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge is probably because it was designed by the same people.
The bridge was originally named for Portugal's right-wing dictator, Antonio de Oliveira Salazar, who ruled from 1932 to 1968. After Portugal's 1974 revolution, residents who supported the revolution started calling the bridge the 25th of April bridge to celebrate the change in power on April 25, 1974. Citizens loyal to Salazar's party continued to call it the Salazar bridge, and those who didn't want their politics known just called it "the bridge over the river".
The church monument visible through the bridge architecture is the Cristo-Rei situated in the city of Almada. Cristo-Rei is one of the most visited monuments in Portugal. It was first shown to public on May 17 1959. The statue of Lord Jesus is mounted on a base which is designed in the shape of gate. The gate stands to a height of 75m and the statue is nearly 28m tall. There is an observation deck on the base of the monument which provides splendid views of Lisbon.

Can you tell I'm at a conference? It feels like I've just delivered a presentation...! Or maybe I should just become a travel guide... :-)

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