
By mrsanf

Here we go again!

I'm really feeling a bit miffed that a blooming head cold is trying to make its presence felt again. Since before Christmas we have had folk in the office coughing and sneezing and plodding on with their jobs without a care for others. I had a bit of an email rant this morning to my colleagues who persist in coming into work coughing sneezing or sniffly when we have a policy that allows folk to work from home! I really am fed up of this game of catch that is doing the rounds.

I had a really horrid head cold early in December (and worked from home so as not to spread it) which resulted in me cancelling my pre Christmas trip to see my mum and sisters. I just didn’t’ want to risk leaving any of my bugs with my mum and I was just not well enough to make the 5 hour car journey. I missed meeting them, a yearly event that visit kicks off my Christmas season. We agreed to meet 14th January instead so I re-booked my leave, and booked a table in a local restaurant so we could take Mum out and all catch up (Ihave three sisters who I only see a couple of times a year) and what happens.....I develop those familiar symptoms of a head cold.

I hoping and praying these do the trick and I feel better tomorrow....fingers crossed.

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