
By cowgirl

Checking my baby

Pumped up a flat tyre, then took her out for a spin ... starting her was no problem, but stopping was another issue! The brakes didn’t work!! Managed to trickle to a halt once I’d realised the brakes were just not going to spring into life. We’d been smart enough to plan that Sav would follow me, so he was able to go and get some petrol ( I’m in bad books for parking her up with next to no petrol in the tank ) and then he drove her back to mum’s ( the drive slopes down to the garage so no way was I going to do it ).

With the wonder of modern technology we were able to ‘face time’ one of our Scottish Moggy friends, who talked us through checking the brake fluid ( the tank is under the carpet under the drivers feet ) and other things to check. Sav had to go to get brake fluid as the tank was empty.

Once that was sorted, I took her off for a 15 minute blast to blow away the cobwebs - hers and mine!

So lovely to be back in her, made me smile all day!

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