Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Let's hear it for the ladies!

I blipped a male Northern Cardinal on 4 January, my 3rd 2018 Yard Bird.  And while the males get much of the attention with their brilliant red plumage, I happen to think that the females are equally beautiful in a more understated way.  You can decide for yourself...

Did some running around today which didn't yield much in the way of results but at least I was out of the house ... and I had time to stop in and have a visit with MIL, which was fun for both of us.  When I got back home, I shoveled some snow off the deck.  Probably didn't need to do that as most of it is going to melt in the next few days, but I needed to burn off some energy.  

Counting down the days until I fly off to Tucson - 4 more sleeps!

Happy Hump Day.


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