
By CharlotteJ

Rush Hour!

Rush hour with a twist this morning! I had to come to a complete standstill for a few moments and wow what an amazing sight! I felt all chuffed with myself for having my camera to hand only to discover that the memory card was full!!! Urgh, so out comes the trusty iPhone, so again apologies for the poor quality!
I had come across a 'hunt' - of course no actual hunting taking place - so many horses and lovely dressed people and a huge group of hounds, so many of them all heading in the same direction! Just a super country sight to see; put me in a super mood all day. A few of the riders even waved at me. One car did try to push past but I guess you always get one! He didn't get very far.
Then, I saw two pheasants and couldn't believe my eyes a goose flying overhead!!! Urgh and I was driving!!! Then on the way home an incredibly low Red Kite - URGHHHHH - I was driving again!!!

So great day for country life. This is the pic with a few of the hounds and the car trying to push past!!

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