Beneath Biscay

By Douglian


New bike arrived today. Nothing special, a heavily discounted 'city' bike from Decathlon. I have a mountain bike, again nothing special, but I really wanted something where you have have a more upright posture for pootling around the local cycle paths and maybe even for going to work occasionally if I can find a pannier or bag suitable for my laptop.

In fact I won't be going anywhere on this particular bike because I've already arranged to swap it at the local Decathlon branch for another quite similar.

Managed to get soaked lunchtime. Weather was nice when I left the office so I didn't even consider an umbrella. Walked to a supermarket and did a bit of shopping and when I came out the temperature had dropped by several degrees, the wind had got up, the sky was full of angry grey clouds and it was raining quite heavily. So a good dousing on the way back to the office.

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