Mirror mirror on the ground

Meetings from the word go today. Started with a discussion about fulfilling the obligation to report on implementation of children’s hearings and the impact on these vulnerable young people. The obligation to report is all the more difficult as we are dependent on others providing the data which we are increasingly discovering just does not exist and can’t, under current arrangements, be collected as required. So what do we do?

Then on to a number of operational issues, after the team huddle at which we welcomed Ian and Ellie to the team. More about them in the days to come.

An afternoon discussion on digital took much longer than planned - but was very constructive. Rounded off the day with the hospital visit then more of the tax form completion.

When out at lunch I saw that an abandoned mirror in a grassy area was still there. I’d looked at it yesterday and taken a few shots in sunlight but today with the rain/ condensation it made for a more interesting photo I thought.

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