
What a tangled web we weave....
Listening to various radio accounts of the latest hijinks in Washington....

...released 'secret' documents
...bribes, corruption, and Putin
...a British spy (Christopher Steele)
...an Australian diplomat 
...a drunken Greek (well, a Greek name anyway) (George Demetrios Papadopoulos) 
...a Democratic senator (Dianne Feinstein)
...a former Democratic senator (Hillary Clinton)
...Russian hackers
...a president with a two minute attention span (Trump)
...his scheming children who are also his 'advisors'

While the Washington swamp is filling up, the president continues to ignore and punish California which is burning down and flooding. Instead, he vents his Twitter wrath on Michael Wolff who has just published an inside the White House tell-all book called...Fire and Fury*

You just couldn't make it up....

*The floods haven't affected us very much. There has been a little more time since our fires in October to spray on bioseed, place wattles and straw and clear storm drains, and it wasn't a torrential rain so the flooding was minimal. It is the Santa Barbara area which has suffered heavy tropical rain only a couple of weeks after they got the fires out down there. The landslides there have been horrendous. Thank you all for asking...

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