The One Day

After a wet week, one day with a very blue sky and a lot of sun.  Never mind that it was close to freezing, I just had to get out of the house and stretch my tyres.  Having had no particular inspiration after a week of lousy weather, I decided to look for it myself by driving to one of my favourite places, UNESCO World Heritage site Kinderdijk (sounds like 'KinderDIKE') to shoot the windmills.  I've been here countless times so it wasn't a surprise, but I still love it.  Due to the cold but otherwise lovely weather, the crowd was comparable to what I usually see in the spring -- a couple of tourist buses, a tiny and expectedly stuffed parking area, a lot of local people on bikes or on foot.  Admittedly, I didn't come only for the windmills but also for the sun as there are no high-rise apartments or offices here and the windmills complement the scene very well.

After a few shots, shivered back to the car and drove off to do my errands.  According to the forecast, the cold will be hanging around for quite a while yet.  According to climate-change predictions, the cold will persist in general for a good many years yet.

Later in the evening, I was busy with my laptop again and hubby was watching television, when he asked if I could just stop and join him.  I said that it wouldn't be of any use if it was just a matter of transferring my attention from one screen to another, so could he then just please turn the TV off, so he did.  Then he took one of the decks of cards I'd recently unpacked from the boxes, and we had about an hour of 'klaverjassen', something I hadn't done in years.  That relaxed my brain enough and enabled me to sleep ... on time to wake up early the next day.

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