2nd Sat Strollers

By AndrewDBurns

The hardest thing is to see what's really there

I mentioned some months ago that I'd recently read Nan Shepherd's 'The Living Mountain' during our "Summer/Autumn of walking" in the Dolomites; on Unst; and along the Cape Wrath Trail (CWT) --- all of which had a massive impact on me ...

... and regular followers may also remember that not long after reading the book for the first time, I discovered that a first Biography of Shepherd was just published and thoroughly enjoyed that too :-)

Well - in a strange sort of coincidence, I did also read J.A. Baker's 'The Peregrine' (as pictured in the extra), for the first time over this Summer/Autumn --- and have now just discovered (and bought with some welcome Christmas-vouchers!) that a first biography of Baker has also been published: as per the main picture.

I'm really looking forward to reading through Hetty Saunders' volume over the coming weeks - it has attracted some very positive reviews.

These books have definitely played a significant part in my renewed interest in 'walking, just for walking's sake'  ;-)

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