
By stellarossa

50,000 plastic cards

I'm off to Bangladesh on Sunday to visit the Rohingya refugee camps in Cox's Bazaar. One of my colleagues asked if I could hand carry some of these cards.... without mentioning how many and how heavy they are!  These days we have more modern methods of supporting people in crisis than distributions of goods that they may or may not need, and which may end up being sold on local markets thus destroying the livelihoods of local producers and traders. As Bangladesh struggles to cope with an influx of over 800,000 refugees we're keen to make sure we help them in the most effective way and a way that also supports the local economy. We'll be distributing these cards which can be loaded with cash credits to be spent in local shops and markets, so people can have choice about what they buy based on the specific needs of their family, and the local economy will also benefit.

It's much more dignified and sustainable than handing out aid parcels to people who've spent hours queuing in the heat.

They're damned heavy though.

The other request from my colleagues if for a large bottle of gin!

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