what we did today...

By SarnieV

Reading corner

I had to shift this armchair out of my studio so I could build a rabbit prison in there. The boys have been arguing over who gets to sit in the comfy reading chair. I don’t intend to have it back in my studio as it takes up a lot of room.
Bobby (the now confirmed male rabbit) has been castrated and so both of them need to stay inside for a couple of days so we can keep an eye on them. Lola (girl rabbit) is not impressed with rabbit prison. I’ve had to Velcro bits down so she stops making a racket when she’s shaking the cage. I hope I don’t find them exploring my studio in the morning! Bobby is quite subdued, but has recovered well from his anaesthetic - the nurse commented that he had recovered surprisingly well and they were eating them out if house and home!
The boys (especially D) are excited to have them to easily accessible.

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